Guanin Medical clinic offer,
1,700 families free Healthcare services to Dominican and Haitian community
Community Healthcare, Medical Clinic, UNAP la Piedra
The Primary Care Unit (UNAP) medical clinic Guanin la Piedra, was built in 2011 and remodeling in 2019 a 2 stories modern building, to provide free community health care to community of 1700 families, without access to medical services where the great majority live below the poverty line.
Community of la Piedra:
The residents of La Piedra live in extreme poverty. Around 60% earn less than US$3 per day for lack of employment (not because they do not want to work), and one in three earns less than US$2 per day—if they are lucky enough to earn anything!—which is why we focus on this population group. They survive by raising animals, principally chickens, growing some food for local consumption, such as yucca and other vegetables, and by doing occasional odd jobs (chiripeo). A few of the residents buy potable water, but it is only available in 5-gallon bottles that cost US$1 each. Only 10% of the residents have access to electricity, and there are no telephone lines, Internet, or other types of technology available.
Cooperation Agreement:
In October 2021, to strengthen and expand the health service, it was necessary to sign a cooperation agreement between the National Health Service (SNS) and the Guanin Center for the strengthening of the first level of care in this community la Piedra, Municipality of San Antonio de Guerra, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republid, where 6,000 patients were the beneficiaries.
Thanks to our collaborators, schools of medicine, nursing, Public Health Service, School of Dentistry of the United States, Germany and Dominican Republic, without you it would be almost impossible providing free medical Service.
This is great opportunities for the students of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and other Health care professions to get hands-on experience of international practicum, in different hospital level, from first to third level and special need. We are continually looking for innovative ways of working with new corporate partners and sponsors. These special Group or individual programs, are designed for students or volunteers with unique needs.
Currently the UNAP la Piedra is the only health center for the entire community of La Piedra, which is operating in the Community Center of the Guanín Foundation. This health center functions as a Primary Care Unit, providing the services of ambulatory medicine, pediatric consultation, general medicine, nutrition, dental, and dermatology.
This health center was opened in 2011. The health services offered by our Primary Care Unit are offered to all the inhabitants of the community of La Piedra, as well as some segments of the population of the communities of Campo Lindo, El Farallón, Mirador Aereo and Bani Concordia, among others. The nearest health-care centers are located a considerable distance away and are only accessible via rocky dirt roads that are difficult to drive on, especially when one is in a hurry. This has been the cause of many severe injuries, even deaths, because we have had to transport injured and ill residents to the hospital in trucks and on motorcycles.

Healthcare professionals interested in volunteering at the clinic are encouraged reach out. Guanin is happy host these volunteers while providing room and board free of charge
We need your contributions to resume medical services in Guanin.
Healthcare professionals interested in volunteering at the clinic are encouraged reach out. Guanin is happy host these volunteers while providing room and board free of charge.
Experiencing new cultures first hand by living with Guanin/SAS families, emerged in all of the different cultures Dominican Republic has a lot to offer. As long as there is an open mind involved, this will undoubtably be a trip of a lifetime, with a great program running it."